Expecto Patronum

You've already succeeded.

The most important moment of the Harry Potter series to me is in The Prisoner Of Azkaban, when Harry summons his stag patronus with "expecto patronum!" It's not simply that he realizes that no one - including his dead father - is coming to save him. It's that Harry understands that he will succeed with this spell because he saw himself succeeding earlier.

He had already done it.

You've already succeeded.

I could go on about the nature of time and our perception of it, but here is the salient point:

You are much more powerful than you realize.

You are much more powerful than you are willing to accept. You only use a small fraction of your power.

When a client says to me, "I don't know that I can possibly do [insert big overwhelming goal here]," I know my job is to remind them what they have already done.

And then I remind them that they have already done this too.

I only work with energetically powerful people. That's who I attract. But sometimes powerful people forget what they are capable of.

But when they remember, when they embrace their superpowers, the world shifts on its axis.

My clients embrace their superpowers and become change makers. Join us today.


What will happen when you embrace your superpowers?

How will you change your life & your community? Find out in The Limitless Mentorship.


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